Trusts and Foundations

We are incredibly grateful to the many charitable trusts and foundations that support our work.

Whether funding our pioneering medical research, or our vital information, advocacy and support services, charitable trusts and foundations make essential and enormously valued contributions to our activities.

If you are considering making a donation through your trust or foundation, we would be delighted to hear from you. Whether you are interested in our work generally, or would like to support a particular project, please do get in touch.

We would like to thank all the trusts and foundations that have supported our work over the years including:


City Bridge Trust

The Cranbury Foundation

Garfield Weston Foundation


Muscular Dystrophy UK has a long history of working with charitable trusts and foundations. By supporting us in this way, you can be sure that you will be helping to improve the lives of people across the UK that are living with muscle-wasting conditions. We will not only keep you updated with the impact your donation is having through regular reporting, but we can offer opportunities to see our services and research in action, as well as to attend special events.



020 7803 4817