In your area

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Local services

Please use the filters to find support local to you.

National services

Information and advice

information and advice
Our helpline
The friendly care and support team at Muscular Dystrophy UK are here to give you free information and emotional support.

One-to-one support

peer support
Care, Information and Advocacy Team
If you have a muscle-wasting condition, or if you are helping someone who has, having access to the right information and advice can help to make all the…

Support groups

support groups
Neuromuscular Awaaz Support Group
The Neuromuscular Awaaz Support Group connects members of the South Asian community, who are affected by muscle-wasting conditions, across the UK.

Support groups

support groups
Duchenne Family Support Group (DFSG)
The Duchenne Family Support Group (DFSG) was set up in 1987 to provide support for families with children diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

Support groups

support groups
Oculopharyngeal Muscular Dystrophy Support Group
Join our informal support group for people affected by oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy (OPMD). Members meet annually, usually on Zoom, sharing experiences…

NHS neuromuscular service

Care advisors
Regional neuromuscular care advisors and specialist nurses provide practical and emotional support for families affected by muscular dystrophy and related…

Changing places toilet

Changing places
Changing places toilets
Many people don’t give visiting public buildings a second thought. However, some disabled people are unable to go out or take part in activities many take for…

Support groups

support groups
Online community
If you’re looking for somewhere to get advice, share your experiences or just talk to other people living with a muscle-wasting condition, then TalkMD is the…

Support groups

support groups
Myasthenia Gravis Support Group
Join our informal support group for people affected by Myasthenia Gravis. Members meet regularly on Zoom, sharing experiences of their condition and how it…