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What is forest bathing? Forest Bathing – the Japanese practice of ‘Shinrin-yoku’ – translates to…
Several of my family members have Charcot-Marie Tooth (CMT) and have had to alter their life goals…
Siblings running together Image This…
Last summer, I was in the process of moving house in Stoke when I received the phone call saying…
From birth, we noticed that the joints of Miley’s hands and feet were extremely ‘floppy’ and at…
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My nephew Oli was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy before his first birthday and has always been…
Over 110,000 people in the UK are living with a muscle wasting or weakening condition and raising…
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The 8 in 8 challenge This whole challenge stemmed from me being rubbish at golf. Gary and Paul’s…
I grew up seeing the affect muscular dystrophy had on my grandma and my whole family as she…
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