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Become a Trustee

Established over 60 years ago, we are the leading charity for over 60 muscle wasting and weakening conditions. We are governed by a Board of Trustees from various backgrounds, united by their desire to create positive change for people with muscular dystrophy. The Board currently has 13 members. 

Becoming one of our trustees is an incredibly rewarding way to guide and support our work. It is a voluntary position that requires energy, commitment and passion. Although our Trustees are unpaid, they play a central role in determining our strategic direction and ensuring we deliver on our objectives.  

What does being a Trustee involve?

The Trustees have ultimate responsibility for the long-term well-being of the charity and act as guardians of our assets. They must ensure that we have a clear strategic direction, are properly managed and operate to high standards of governance. Trustees’ roles are often described as like being a director of a commercial company. 

Trustees’ jobs can be demanding and wide-ranging. Trustees require good judgement, a commitment to our mission, and an ability to work as part of a team with diverse skills and backgrounds. An understanding and sensitivity towards the different roles of executives and non-executives is also important. 

The Board meets at least four times each year at Muscular Dystrophy UK’s head offices in London. The time commitment varies according to each Trustee’s circumstances and could be as little as two days each quarter or one day a month. Trustees also participate in informal events and serve on committees involved in specific areas of our work. We reimburse all travel and associated expenses.  

Being a Trustee is an opportunity to use your skills and experience to guide our work providing vital research and support for people living with muscle wasting and weakening conditions. For some people, becoming a Trustee can also help them learn new skills. 

Committees and Panels

Our various Committees and Panels focus on specific areas, such as Finance or Appeals, provide detailed insights, and support the Trustees to make informed decisions. Serving as a member of a Board Committee is a great way to support the charity by drawing on your particular skills and experience.  

Many Trustees have said that spending time as a Committee member is an excellent introduction to the charity before stepping up to the full Board. 

How to apply

To become a Trustee, you must be – or be prepared to be – a Charity Member of Muscular Dystrophy UK. You must then be either: 

  • nominated by the Board 
  • nominated in writing by regional or national groupings of the charity on the invitation of the Board 
  • nominated in writing by five Charity Members no later than 28 days before the annual general meeting AGM. 

Nominees are then voted into office by our members at the AGM. 

If you are interested in serving on a Committee or becoming a Trustee, please contact us at or by writing to our Senior Leadership Team at:   

Muscular Dystrophy UK
32 Ufford Street
SE1 8QD 

Thank you for your interest.