Leave a gift in your Will to create a future free from the limitations of muscular dystrophy.
Watch Michael Attenborough tell us about taking on his father Richard’s legacy and how you can help the next generation of scientists finish what we’ve started.

Lets finish what we started
Very little was known about muscular dystrophy when Muscular Dystrophy UK was founded over 60 years ago. From early funded research to the first-ever clinical trial into long-term treatments using exon-skipping technology, your support has helped improve the lives of people with muscle wasting and weakening conditions.
Today, we are still funding groundbreaking research to advance treatments. One quarter of our work would not be possible without funds raised from gifts in Wills.
Gifts in Wills help us fund the next generation of scientists, so they can finish what we’ve started. Together we can create a future free from the limitations of muscular dystrophy.
Thank you.
We partner with the National Free Wills Network, which enables you to make or amend a simple Will for free.
Having an up-to-date Will ensures that everyone close to you knows your wishes. Once loved ones have been provided for, many people choose to donate a share or all of what is left to a charity they care about.
If you are an executor to a Will that includes a gift to Muscular Dystrophy UK, our Legacy team are here to help.