Work Capability Assessment Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)

When you make a claim for Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) and Universal Credit (UC), you may take part in a Work Capability Assessment to assess how your condition affects your ability to work.

The Work Capability Assessment has two parts which includes answering questions about how your condition affects your ability to work, and a medical assessment which is carried out by a medical professional who then sends a report back to the DWP.

The form

The first part of the assessment is to complete a form about your health and how you manage everyday activites. This form will be called ESA50 is you are applying for Employment and Support Allowance or UC50 if you are applying for Universal Credit. 

Citizens Advice have guidance on filling out the form and each question - Fill in the ESA capability for work form - Citizens Advice.

Medical assessment

You will be invited to an assessment with a GP or nurse who will go through what you have said on your questionnaire and see how well you can perform work-related tasks.

These include your ability:

  •  to mobilise yourself 
  •  to move from a standing to a sitting position
  •  to pick up/move items
  •  to make yourself understood
  •  to use your hands/your manual dexterity

During your assessment make sure you let the medical professional know if you have any difficulties in performing these tasks, as this information will be used to make a decision about which group you go into.

Remember to give as much detail as possible, including your ability or inability to do the above tasks unaided, repeatedly and without severe discomfort.

After the assessment stage, if you are deemed to have a limited capability to work, you will be put into one of two categories:

1. The Work-Related Activity Group - you have limited capability for work. If you are applying for ESA, this means you can claim lower rate ESA for 52 weeks. If you are applying for UC, this means you will not receive extra money.

2. The Support Group - you have limited capability for work-related activity. If you are applying for ESA, this means you can claim higher rate ESA. There is no time limit placed on this. If you are applying for UC, this means you will be able to receive extra money.

Challenging a decision

You are entitled to appeal a decision made by the DWP following a Work Capability Assessment if you are found fit for work and you disagree, or you think you have not been awarded the correct amount of ESA or UC. The first step will be requesting a mandatory reconsideration within one month of receiving your decision letter.

If you have further queries about Employment and Support Allowance, Universal Credit, or the Work Capability Assessment, you can get in touch with our helpline on 0800 652 6352 or email The team will assist you or signpost you accordingly.

You could get in touch with your local Citizens Advice team who could put you in touch with a Welfare Adviser.