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The two women, who run a huge pig farm in East Yorkshire alongside their younger sister Kate,…
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In 2012 Scott Mitchell lost an incredible five stone in a fantastic effort to get fit and start…
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Menswear designer Harrison Thom is doing a fundraising hike in memory of his wife Lucinda's brother…
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Determined to give his sons a good example of what a ‘normal’ body looks like gave Mike Stuffins…
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Three Northern Irish rugby players hope to raise £10,000 in memory of Steve's dad, David who lived…
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Peter, 33, is joining a team of 17 cyclists from all over the UK, for Sam Taylor's Duchenne…
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You can donate directly to this campaign here. All pictures and reflections are available to view…
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Their often-poignant comments on how the pictures relate to their life journeys are set against the…
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A group of Middlesbrough teenagers walked from Riverside stadium to Redcar Seafront today (…
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A gamer with a muscle-wasting condition raised hundreds of pounds for Muscular Dystrophy UK by…