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Press release
  Nic Bungay, Muscular Dystrophy’s UK’s Director of Campaigns, Care and Information, said…
Parents of children with muscular dystrophy and adults with the condition shared powerful…
We attended a celebration event to mark one year of the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP)…
Yesterday Muscular Dystrophy UK Trailblazers attended an event on Online Abuse of disabled people…
Employment Support Allowance (ESA, introduced in 2008) and Personal Independence Payment (PIP,…
A new parliamentary inquiry investigating access to psychological support for children and adults…
Treat-NMD Network as part of an international working group recently published updated Care…
On Monday, we sent in our Patient Group submission to the Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC) as…
The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) has given permission to doctors at the…
The Oxford hospice, Helen and Douglas House, has announced that it will be withdrawing its respite…