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A gamer with a muscle-wasting condition raised hundreds of pounds for Muscular Dystrophy UK by…
Written by her mum Lucy, ‘Wonder Girl Carmela and Tinker the Stinker’ centres on Carmela’s exciting…
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He took part in #TeamOrange’s February campaign to make muscles matter by joining people all over…
A six year old Devizes girl with a rare muscle wasting condition is planning 26 laps of her…
Running round the street backwards for 26 minutes, picking 26 daisies, shooting 26 netballs and…
Our CEO, Catherine Woodhead, is embarking on a huge challenge of walking the distance between Land’…
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Jeremy’s son, James, 32, was diagnosed with limb girdle type 2A (calpainopathy) when he was 14.…
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MDUK’s fundraising campaign asks people to Go bright for the fight in February by joining people…
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Kimberley Hunter, 25 watched her elder sister Jess, 30, as she learnt to live with cerebral palsy…
A 6-year-old girl with a life-limiting condition who has raised more than £50,000 for Muscular…