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Three Northern Irish rugby players hope to raise £10,000 in memory of Steve's dad, David who lived…
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Peter, 33, is joining a team of 17 cyclists from all over the UK, for Sam Taylor's Duchenne…
In this edition, we look at some of our amazing volunteers and how their efforts make a difference…
So this means more lifestyle stories and glimpses into people’s lives, as well as a range of…
It is only through your help that we are able to fund vital research, and offer care and support to…
It is only through your help that we are able to fund vital research, and offer care and support to…
Written by her mum Lucy, ‘Wonder Girl Carmela and Tinker the Stinker’ centres on Carmela’s exciting…
Press release
  Muscular Dystrophy UK has issued a statement following news published today that Luke Garrett,…
Press release
His Royal Highness Prince Philip, the Royal Patron of Muscular Dystrophy UK for more than 50 years…
His Royal Highness Prince Philip, the Royal Patron of Muscular Dystrophy UK for more than 50 years…