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I knew I was gay since I was around fourteen, but I spent nearly twenty years hiding in plain sight…
We reported recently on a key step in the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) pathway for…
Faster diagnosis is vital The first speaker on the panel, Rob Burley, Director of Care, Campaigns…
UPDATE 06/07/2023 - Edgewise Therapeutics has announced the results from a study evaluating their…
Last week I had the pleasure of attending the FSHD Society’s 30th annual International Research…
Your story
We call having FSHD our superpower, and the positive thing about having the condition is certainly…
Your story
For much of my late teens and early twenties, the boys would make comments like “Are you scared of…
We appreciate that watching this drama may lead to challenging emotions or raise questions or…
Pompe disease is a chronic, rare, genetic, progressive metabolic disease which results in severe…
As well as awareness, the week is also designed to help those who don’t necessarily identify as a…