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Having a muscle-wasting condition often means adjusting to a new and unexpected reality, and many…
I have been gaming since I was 10-years-old when congenital myasthenic syndrome, a rare type of…
This weekend, on Sunday 8 May, up to 5,000 runners will be racing in the streets of Oxford for the…
With growing interest from several pharmaceutical companies around clinical trials for FSHD, FSHD…
On 29 March, Genetic Alliance UK hosted a roundtable meeting at Great Ormond Street Hospital…
MDUK welcomed over 80 neuromuscular physiotherapists from across the country, to come together to…
Inspired by their favourite superheroes from the Avengers, Oscar and Seb Spink will be climbing the…
SMA newborn screening currently takes place in many European countries but thus far hasn't been…
Two weeks ago, we launched our Northern Ireland Shining a Light report, the final in our series…
Anjali Solanki, 30, lives with congenital muscular dystrophy. She tells us how it affects her body…