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I was ridiculously sporty when I was young – I’d do gymnastics, play football, and I was always…
Back in the mid-1990s, I used to spend all my spare time playing football, golf and squash and…
There is very limited existing research into the lives of people living with muscular dystrophy (MD…
When you find something you're passionate about, it's not hard to do. That's my love for writing;…
This semester (September-December 2021), I have been studying here in London at the Foundation for…
Earlier this week, Israeli minister Karine Elharrar was excluded from the COP26 summit after she…
My son Roman, aged three, lives with the very rare muscle-wasting condition LMNA-CMD. He was…
NICE has put forward key changes to the way they assess medicines and treatments, which should…
We were pleased to have so many of our Northern Ireland community attend and hearing all the…
On the day, the weigh-in was followed with a video briefing, which made it all look so easy.  Next…