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Catherine Woodhead appointed Chief Executive of Muscular Dystrophy UK

22 January 2019

Catherine Woodhead has been appointed Chief Executive of Muscular Dystrophy UK.

Catherine Woodhead appointed Chief Executive of Muscular Dystrophy UK

Catherine Woodhead has been appointed Chief Executive of Muscular Dystrophy UK.

Previously Director of Development with the charity, Catherine takes the helm following a full appointment process by the Board of Trustees.

Catherine has governance and development expertise as well as strategic planning and delivery skills, honed from a long career in the voluntary sector.  Since 2000 she has taken on a range of senior roles with both large and small charities, which have given her an all-round grounding in the charity sector.

She brings expertise, energy and commitment at an important time for the charity’s development as it embarks on a forward-looking new strategy for 2019 – 2022.  Under the strapline ‘Making every day count’, Catherine will be ensuring that everyone affected by muscle-weakening conditions has access to the best treatments, care and support, enabling them to have maximum independence and quality of life.  In tandem with this goal is the urgent need to work with others around the world to bring treatments and cures closer to reality.

“I am excited and privileged to take on the challenge of leading Muscular Dystrophy UK,” says Catherine. “We will seek to reach each and every one of the 70,000 people in the UK with progressive and potentially life threatening muscle-wasting conditions.

“People are living longer and enjoying a better quality of life thanks to improvements in care and treatment, but there is still much to do until we find effective treatments and cures for all muscle wasting conditions. We will make every day count in our mission to transform lives today, tomorrow and beyond, and work in partnership with others to effect real change. Only by working together can we beat muscular dystrophy.”

Professor Mike Hanna, Chair of Muscular Dystrophy UK, added: “I am delighted by Catherine’s appointment. I can think of no-one better to lead Muscular Dystrophy UK as we continue to focus on world class research to find treatments, campaign for better care and directly support people with muscle-wasting conditions to live well.

“Catherine will build on our strong foundations and steer Muscular Dystrophy UK to even greater success in the future.”


For media enquiries, please contact Patricia Orr, Muscular Dystrophy UK: or: 0207 803 2887 M. 07889 140139

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