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London Lodge 108 Raises Over £5,600 for Muscular Dystrophy UK

31 July 2023

Muscular Dystrophy UK would like to thank the London Lodge 108 for their donation of £5629.30. The Charity were selected as charity of the year by Richard Spooner. As part of his nomination, the Lodge organised a Ladies Dinner on the 26th of November raising £4,110 featuring a raffle and food. Alongside this, the generosity of the members through out the year raising over £1500.

It was with great pleasure that I was able to present a cheque for £5629.30 to Connal Keller for the benefit of Muscular Dystrophy UK, my chosen charity for my year in the chair of London Lodge 108.

Richard Spooner
Lodge 108

Muscular Dystrophy UK would like to thank the Masonic Lodge for their incredible fundraising this year raising over £5629 to support the fight against muscle wasting conditions. Our vision is a world with effective treatments and ultimately cures leading to a life unlimited by muscle wasting and associated conditions. We believe this as passionately now as we did when we were established 60 years ago. It drives everything we do. That’s why Muscular Dystrophy UK funds the brightest and best researchers to find effective treatments and, ultimately cures for all neuromuscular conditions. We are overjoyed with the generosity and support of the London Lodge 108 in order to make this possible.

Connal Kelleher RDM

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