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MDUK response to ONS reporting the social impacts of coronavirus on disabled people

12 November 2020

In response to Coronavirus and the social impacts on disabled people in Britain from the Office of National Statistics.

Our experience in advising and supporting people living with muscle-wasting conditions chimes exactly with the picture provided today by the Office for National Statistics. It is no surprise that as many disabled people are worried about the impacts of the pandemic on their lives now as was the case in April. There is renewed uncertainty in particular for people classed as ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’ about the impact of the latest restrictions on their ability to access education, on their employment rights and being able to access essential services.

There are also concerns around the health of people living with muscle-wasting conditions as they are not receiving the same level of medical care as they have before the pandemic. People continue to raise with us challenges they face accessing vital support like physiotherapy and MRI scans.

Rob Burley
Muscular Dystrophy UK director of Campaigns, Care and Support

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