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The schoolboy lives with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a condition which causes his muscles to…
To celebrate both races’ 10-year anniversaries, our Cambridge Town and Gown is joining forces with…
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His fantastic commitment to the charity started following the diagnosis of his nephew with Duchenne…
Dawn and Gary Pammenter, from Wimbotsham, will pound the streets of Downham Market this Sunday in a…
The Microscope Ball has been transformed into a virtual event for the first time ever amid the…
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He has only been running for two and a half years but after competing in the Manchester Marathon in…
John explained that he would be collecting a rare 1987, 1-owner Rover 216, which was due to be…
Wealdstone FC named Muscular Dystrophy UK their charity of the year 2020-2021 following years of…
Your story
Finally, on Friday 4 September, Danny, who managed to maintain his new weight throughout lock-down…
She said: You’re a true hero. So inspiring and strong. I hope one day we get to meet each other.…