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Marion Bloomfield and her group have knitted over 70 hearts in the last ten months for COVID…
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Ella Dixon was diagnosed as a manifesting carrier of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy 11 years ago and…
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John’s wife Siobhan lives with limb girdle muscular dystrophy and the couple have received support…
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This is the eighth year Kelly Simpson has embarked on her festive plan to wear a  different…
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Grandson Tom Jackson, 22, was diagnosed with Becker muscular dystrophy a year ago.  His brother, 10…
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The incredible series includes people taking on: 6k a day in December 6,666 press-ups 666 miles…
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The Wilson family spent three weeks putting all the lights up to support eight year old Will…
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Here he describes how gaming is a brilliant activity for him personally, and also comments…
Gabby will front the live cooking lesson for her Sri Lankan-style monkfish curry on Tuesday 8…
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The Year 5 boy has run through different routes in Lancaster’s streets as he fundraises to help a…