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NorthStar Programme

The NorthStar programme is the world’s largest natural history study of boys and men with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and a clinical network of UK-wide healthcare professionals focusing on the best clinical management of DMD.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD)

In our drive to accelerate the development of effective treatments for muscle wasting conditions, we’ve invested more than £1.5 million in the NorthStar programme since it first began in 2004.

The NorthStar programme initially focused on boys affected by DMD. Since 2004, the programme has helped improve standards of care, meaning many boys are living into adulthood. With more adults living with DMD, but little data to support clinical trials, the adult NorthStar programme was established. Together, NorthStar programme aims to provide the best standard of care and help identify new potential treatments for boys and men living with DMD.

About the NorthStar programme

The NorthStar programme has two parts:

The natural history study

Researchers are monitoring a group of more than 1,500 boys and men with DMD over time. This includes measuring the progression of their condition and its effect on them. This information is collected by healthcare professionals at clinic appointments. Anonymised data can then be requested by researchers to help speed up new research discoveries, which could ultimately lead to new treatments.

The NorthStar clinical network

This clinical network is made up of consultants, physiotherapists and other healthcare professionals from 23 specialist centres across the UK. The network aims to optimise the care of people with DMD by gaining an agreement on best clinical management. This means that everyone gets the same assessment and care no matter where they’re treated.

“We set up The NorthStar Network nearly 20 years ago to improve standards of care for boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy across the entire country. Today, the improved standards have helped many boys with DMD extend their lives into adulthood. MDUK support has helped us to establish standardised outcome measures for treatments and therapies, driving faster more effective research. We are proud of how far we have come and excited for the future.”

– Professor Francesco Muntoni, Paediatric Neurologist at Great Ormond Street Hospital, and Chief Investigator for NorthStar and Dr Adnan Manzur, consultant paediatrician at Great Ormond Street Hospital, and co-Principal Investigator for NorthStar

The committee that oversees the NorthStar programme includes people with DMD and parents of children with the DMD. They help ensure decisions about the programme account for the views of people affected.

Our investment

Our financial investment includes support for a small team to work with the NorthStar clinical network. The team are responsible for coordinating the activity of the network and making sure data is entered into the network database so it’s available to support clinical trials and studies. There’s also a physiotherapist who updates and develops physiotherapy protocols and training modules.

We also supported a PhD student to start the collection of data for adults with DMD. In 2022, we renewed this funding to further grow the adult programme.

Progress to date

Since the programme first began in 2004, it has reached significant milestones. From improving the design of the clinical trials, to improving quality of life and the management of DMD, the NorthStar programme has made a real impact for people living with DMD.

The NorthStar Ambulatory Assessment

One of the most significant achievements from the NorthStar clinical network is the development of the NorthStar Ambulatory Assessment (NSAA). A rating scale which uses 17 tests that only take 10 minutes to complete and assess the abilities of boys with DMD not using a wheelchair. The NSAA is now widely used to track of the progression of DMD. It is also used in clinical trials to help assess the benefits of treatments.

In 2016 researchers from the NorthStar clinical network published a study using the NSAA to detail the ‘natural history’ of DMD − how the condition normally changes over time. This information has helped to design clinical trials, providing a ‘baseline’ against which researchers can measure changes in the condition.

It could also help to reduce the number of boys who receive the placebo (dummy drug) in a clinical trial. Placebo groups are vital in clinical trials. They make sure any potential benefits from a treatment are due to the treatment and not any other factors. Reducing the number of boys who receive the placebo could make it quicker for clinical trials to get started and determine if a treatment is beneficial.

Steroids for treating Duchenne

Data from the NorthStar natural history study played a key role in a 2013 research study which helped convince clinics across the country to use steroids (glucocorticoid) to manage DMD. The study provided detailed information on the benefits and side effects of steroids, highlighting the real-world benefits of steroid treatment. As a result, children with DMD are now walking for around 3.5 years longer than in the previous decade.

Researchers have since used data from the NorthStar natural history study to understand the long-term impact of continuous steroid use. Dr Federica Trucco and colleagues looked at the impact of steroids on heart and lung health. They found that steroids delayed the need for breathing support (like a facemask) and the onset of heart problems.

On the other hand, Dr Shuko Joseph and colleagues found that steroids increase the chances of bone fractures. They also found that different steroids affect that risk by different amounts. This could lead to improved care for people with DMD by finding ways to improve bone health.

More recently, the NorthStar network was involved in a study looking at a drug called Vamorolone – an alternative to steroids. In 2024, Vamorolone was recommend by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) as an option for treatment DMD.

Mapping Duchenne muscular dystrophy condition progression

Clinicians and parents have known for a long time that every boy with Duchenne is different. The progression of the condition can vary from person to person. NorthStar network researchers used data from 395 boys from the natural history study to map out how the condition changes over time. They grouped the changes of these boys into four clusters, depending on the severity of their disease and how rapidly their condition progresses. This information will help doctors provide boys with DMD and their families more information about the long-term impact of the condition, and tailor care and support more effectively. It will also help to design clinical trials, and make sure that boys with DMD of all severities are included.

Expanding the NorthStar programme to adults with Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Improvements in care over the past decade mean people with DMD are living longer. But there are fewer clinical trials available for adults than children living with the condition. To address this, NorthStar has expanded to include information from adults. The Adult NorthStar programme aims to establish best-practice guidelines for care and support and to support future clinical trials.

“Thanks to funding from Muscular Dystrophy UK, we have established the Adult NorthStar Network for young men and adults with Duchenne. This will help the monitoring and implementation of optimal standards of care for this group, providing a strong foundation for clinical trial in the future.”

– Professor Ros Quinlivan, University College London Hospital

This has led to the development of the first-ever clinical care guidelines for adults with Duchenne. Improving the standards of care and support for men with DMD will help improve their life expectancy and quality of life.

We’ve already made great progress.

But there is still so much that needs to be done. Together, we can change the future of muscle wasting conditions. Join us. Today.