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Open Grant Calls

We fund groundbreaking research to change the future of muscle wasting conditions. Our open grants are listed below.

Grant round 2025

We are pleased to announce that the 2025 Grant Round is now open. We are currently offering funding for PhD studentships and project grants (including two- to three-year project grants and shorter, proof-of-principle projects of up to one year) that have relevance to one or more types of muscular dystrophy or a related neuromuscular condition. The deadline for submission of the online application is 3pm on Wednesday 15 January 2025.

Before applying, please ensure you refer to following webpages:

We will invest in research that increases our understanding of neuromuscular conditions and that promotes the development of potential treatments. These may be basic, pre-clinical or clinical projects, but must be in line with our Research Strategy.

We also welcome applications for research that will have a direct, positive impact on the quality of life of people with neuromuscular conditions or will help to establish best practice in symptom management. This could include, but is not limited to, social or psychological research or projects with a focus on exercise, physiotherapy, fatigue or chronic pain.  Please refer to our Research Strategy for further information about the aims and objectives of the charity, which must be reflected in your application.

We will fund research across the breadth of conditions supported by the charity, including rare and very-rare conditions. Please refer to the list of conditions supported by Muscular Dystrophy UK.

If you would like to make an application for research into a neuromuscular condition that is not listed here, or if you are unsure whether your research fits within our strategy and current remit, please contact the research team at

PhD Studentships 

Grants for 4-year PhD studentships are available. The charity will fund stipends (up to UKRI minimum rates), university fees, and consumables (up to £10,000 per year).

Please refer to the guidance for completing PhD studentship applications.

Project grants 

We welcome proof-of-principle and project grant applications from early career researchers as well as existing principal investigators. Applicants can only apply for one of the following:

  1. Grants for 2–3-year projects

The charity will cover any combination of salary and consumables up to a maximum of £100,000 per year.

  1. Grants for up to 1 year for proof-of-principle projects

If you are applying for a shorter grant of up to one year, for example to show proof of principle in a pilot study, the charity will cover up to £30,000 for salary and consumables. In this case, please apply using the project grant application form; we will not require as much detail to be given in the text boxes as for a full project grant application.

Please refer to the guidance for completing project grant applications.

Who can apply

Each applicant can submit up to one grant application per grant type; multiple grant applications for the same grant type will not be accepted.

If you currently hold a Muscular Dystrophy UK-funded project or studentship grant, you may still apply in this round. A single resubmission of a previous Muscular Dystrophy UK application is permitted.

Whilst we are only able to fund principal applicants who are based in the UK, we strongly encourage international collaborations.

How to apply

Applications must be submitted using our online application form, which is accessed by a secure login. Please ensure you use the correct form for your application; we reserve the right to reject applications that are submitted using the wrong form type. If you are unsure of which form to use, please contact us at

  • If you have used our online system before, go to the Smart Simple login page. Please log in and update your profile before starting your application.
  • If you are new to the system, please register as an applicant on the registration page. After registering you will be able to log in and select the grant round and type of grant you wish to apply for.
  • If you work at an institution which is not already listed on our system, you may need to contact us at to help you create a profile.

Please also refer to our Terms and Conditions (PhD studentship or project grant) and guidance for applicants (PhD studentship or project grant), which are also accessible when you are logged into the online system; please select Help – Support Documents from the home screen.

The deadline for submission of the online application is 3pm on Wednesday 15 January 2025. Applications will not be accepted after the deadline. Please note that applications can be submitted at any time prior to the deadline. After online submission you must send us a copy of your application signed by the principal applicant and co-investigators, and by your Head of Department and institute’s research office. This should be sent by email to no later than three weeks after the submission deadline.

The decision-making process

Muscular Dystrophy UK staff will review grant applications to ensure eligibility and alignment with the call’s remit. Applications will then be sent to a least three reviewers who will be selected from the international community of experts, based on their relevant research experience and ability to comment on the proposal. Applicants will be given the opportunity to respond to reviews.

The application will be considered by a panel of experts in the field of neuromuscular research (our Medical Research Committee) and people with lived experience of muscle wasting and weakening conditions (our Lay Research Panel). Both panels will score applications and only applications that meet the minimum quality threshold will be considered for funding. The Committee will make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees and applicants will receive a decision letter in late July 2025.

Other relevant policies

Other policies relating to research applications can be found here

  • Additional requirements for HRA-approved clinical research
  • Animal research and the NC3Rs
  • Intellectual property, exploitation and revenue share policies
  • Use of generative AI tools in funding applications and assessment
  • AMRC position statement on patient and public involvement (PPI) in research

If you have any questions, please contact us at

MRC Clinical Research Training Fellowships

We are pleased to announce that we have partnered with the Medical Research Council (MRC) as part of their Clinical Research Training Fellowship Scheme. As part of this partnership, we will jointly award up to one clinical research training fellowship per year. This is an ongoing funding opportunity, but the next deadline for submission is 4pm on Wednesday 15 January 2025.

This award is to support clinicians from relevant specialities looking to develop their long-term academic careers in the field of neuromuscular research.

How to apply

The clinical research training fellowships are administered through the MRC. As part of the application process, applicants must choose Muscular Dystrophy UK as a joint funder. For more information on the funding call and how to apply please visit the MRC’s website.

More information

Grant calls pending a decision

Information and updates on our closed grant calls.

Advice applying for a grant

Our grant FAQ’s and top tips for writing your plain English application.