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Adult Disability Payment (Scotland)

Adult Disability Payment (ADP) is a benefit to provide help with the additional costs of living with a disability or health condition. The amount you get depends on how your condition affects you. It’s a non-means tested benefit, this means your income and savings are not considered.

Adult Disability Payment is administered by Social Security Scotland and has replaced Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for adults in Scotland who get their payments from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). This process began in 2022 and will continue until 2025.

You don’t need to apply for ADP if you already receive PIP or DLA for adults. Social Security Scotland will do this for you, and you won’t need to do anything. You will not be reassessed and the amount you receive currently will be the same unless there has been a change in your circumstances.

Follow this link for more information about your benefit moving to Social Security Scotland.


You’re eligible for ADP if the following applies:

  • You are between 16 and state pension age
  • Have a physical or mental health condition or disability, or you are terminally ill

If you’re awaiting a diagnosis, you can still make an application.

Check if you qualify for ADP

Claiming ADP

You can apply for ADP online, or by phone and paper.

  • Online – Part 1 must be completed within two weeks and Part 2 must be completed within eight weeks.
  • Phone – Call Social Security Scotland for free on 0800 182 2222 (8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday). Part 1 will be completed over the phone, and you will be sent a paper application for Part 2.

The online form can only be completed in English. If you want to apply in a language that is not English, you can still apply over the phone with an interpreter provided by Social Security Scotland or you can be sent a paper application form that is available in over 100 different languages.

If you need help to apply, Social Security Scotland’s Local Delivery Service will be able to help you – If you need help from Social Security Scotland –

Social Security Scotland aim to make a decision after getting your completed application and all the information they need to make a decision. The decision letter will state whether you have been awarded ADP, the rates you have been awarded and for how long.

ADP rates

Adult Disability is split into two parts: daily living, and mobility. The amount you receive depends on how your condition affects your ability to do everyday tasks and get around.

The current payments for each rate can be viewed here – Adult Disability Payment –

Strengthening your application

On your application form, it is important to give as much detail as possible to illustrate how you meet the criteria of each descriptor. Your GP, neuromuscular consultant or other healthcare professional could help you with the claim or provide a letter of support. Explain to your GP or health care professional how the condition affects your child’s daily life so that they can support the application.

A supporting letter can be provided by anyone who is involved professionally with your care. Most often, recent clinical letters are good supporting evidence. Letters could also be from physiotherapy, occupational therapy, social work or a professional from a neuromuscular team such as a nurse specialist or care advisor.

Often applications are rejected because people don’t provide enough detail regarding the impacts of their condition, or they do not provide supporting evidence such as hospital letters with the application. It’s important to make sure you go into adequate depth about what you experience and whether you are helped by anyone and how often.

Remember that the person reading the application form may have no experience of muscle wasting and weakening conditions and their complexity, so provide as much helpful information as you can, and clearly explain if your condition is variable. If the application does not get the outcome you think it should, you can request the decision be looked at by Social Security Scotland again.

Challenging a decision

If you’re unhappy with your award, you have six weeks to ask Social Security Scotland to look at their decision again. It’s possible to request this within the year, if there is a good reason for a late request, but this may be refused.

To request a re-determination:

Another decision will be made within eight weeks. If you still disagree with the re-determination decision, you have 31 days to make an appeal to the Tribunal. We can support you with the process of requesting a re-determination or making an appeal.

Appealing the decision

If the application does do not get the outcome you think it should, you can appeal the decision. This is called requesting a mandatory reconsideration. A mandatory reconsideration needs to be requested within one month of receiving the decision letter.

Our Information, Advocacy and Support team can provide advice and support when applying for DLA and other benefits and can help with challenging decision outcomes. Call our helpline on 0800 652 6352 or email


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