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Financial support to help fund equipment

Living with a progressive muscle wasting and weakening condition means you may need access to specialist equipment throughout your life. This can come at a substantial financial cost. However there is financial support available to help with these costs. 

Know what statutory help you’re entitled to

You’re entitled to help from the government if you meet their eligibility criteria. Here are some of the things you can get financial assistance for, or equipment you can request.

Wheelchairs and mobility equipment: Your local wheelchair services, which is part of the NHS, should provide you with a manual wheelchair. They cannot provide you with specialist wheelchairs.

Your GP can give you a referral to a wheelchair service, acting on recommendations from your neuromuscular consultant. Following an assessment by a physiotherapist or occupational therapist (OT), the NHS should also provide you with walking aids. If you would like an assessment, ask your GP for a referral.

Equipment to assist with independence at home: Some equipment may be provided through your social services, this would usually be following an assessment by an OT from your local authority.

Apply for a charitable grant

There are charitable grants that can help towards the cost of equipment that are not covered by statutory services. We’ve listed several charitable organisations that offer grants below. You’ll need to carefully check what is needed to apply, as each organisation will have their own eligibility criteria. You can usually find this information on their website or by contacting them directly.

Our grants

Through funding from the Joseph Patrick Trust (JPT), we provide grants towards the costs of essential powered mobility equipment for children and adults with muscular dystrophy or a related neuromuscular condition.

The impact of the Joseph Patrick Trust

The Joseph Patrick Trust (JPT) was founded in 1986 by Alexander Patrick CBE in memory of his father, a founder of Muscular Dystrophy UK. Inspired by his brother Andrew, who had Duchenne muscular dystrophy and died in 1962 aged 13, the Trust was established to promote independence and quality of life for people living with muscle wasting conditions.

For over 30 years, more than 6,000 grants, totalling more than £6million, have been awarded. These grants have helped more than 5,000 children and adults with muscle wasting conditions to purchase specialist mobility equipment not available on the NHS.

How much you can apply for

Here is how much you can apply for towards specialist equipment, through the JPT grants.

Equipment Type  Amount 
Electric wheelchairs Up to £2,500
Electric scooters  Up to £1,000
Riser for new NHS fully funded wheelchair  Up to £2,500
Wheelchair adaptations  Up to £200
Power assist adaptations  Up to £500
Manual Wheelchairs Up to £500
Mobile Arm Supports Up to £1,500 – single bracket

Up to £2,500 – double bracket

The amount you can expect to be awarded will depend on the funds available and demand.

Equipment such as wheelchairs can be costly to repair and maintain. Do consider these costs carefully when choosing an item of equipment. A grant is provided on the basis that the equipment is the property and full responsibility of the person / family.

The JPT does not take responsibility for the repair, upkeep, liability (insurance) and disposal of equipment. Before funding is granted, you’ll be asked to commit to taking full responsibility for the equipment.

What we do not fund

We’re unable to offer grants to people living outside of the UK. In addition, we can’t fund:

  • Equipment which has already been ordered or purchased
  • Recurring costs, such as wheelchair repairs, insurance, batteries, tyres, etc.
How to apply for a grant

Before applying for a grant, read our guidelines for grant applicants. It contains important information about who can apply, what you can apply for, what you can’t apply for, as well as tips on how to fill in the application form.

You’ll also need to provide supporting documentation. Applications without supporting documentation will not be considered.

Every application must be supported by:

  • A quote for the cost of the equipment, on headed paper.
  • An assessment carried out by a qualified healthcare professional.
  • Proof that you have already contacted statutory services, even if they have agreed on equipment that is not appropriate for your needs.

The assessment letter should confirm that the piece of equipment you’re applying for funding towards, is the most suitable for your needs. The assessment could be carried out by a range of professionals, if appropriately qualified. For example, a physiotherapist, occupational therapist, neuromuscular care advisor, social worker, doctor or nurse.

The assessment must be on headed paper and needs to detail the following:

  • The needs of the person.
  • The need for this specific model / equipment specification.
  • Health and safety – the ability of the person to use the equipment safely (for example if a wheelchair – road safety awareness, visual perception).
  • Reason the equipment cannot be provided by a statutory authority.
  • Contribution (if any) being made towards the cost by a statutory authority (for example voucher).
  • Qualification / occupation / employer of the professional, with contact details.

Once you have everything ready, you can apply online for a grant.

What happens after you apply

Once you submit your application, you’ll receive an email within one week confirming receipt of your completed application. You’ll then hear back within one month regarding the outcome of your application.

Any award made to you will stay open for 18 months. This gives you time to raise additional funds to cover the full cost of the equipment needed. If you don’t claim your grant within 18 months, it will be automatically reverted – unless we hear from you.

If you no longer need the grant, let us know so the funds can be awarded to another applicant.

How to claim your grant

Once you have raised all the funds for your equipment, place an order and ask the supplier to invoice us for your award amount. We’ll contact you following receipt of the invoice to confirm the order has been placed and a delivery date has been set. We’ll be unable to pay the supplier without this confirmation.

The address to send the invoice to is: The Joseph Patrick Trust, 32 Ufford Street, London, SE1 8QD

If you need further information about the grants, email or call 020 7803 4811.

Grant finders

Disability grants

Disability grants has a search function where you can find a wide range of grants locally and nationally.


Scope has a grants search, where you can find grants locally and nationally, for equipment, adapting your home and help to pay essential bills.


Turn2Us has a Grants Search tool where people who are disabled can check what grants they could be eligible for.

Grant organisations

Caudwell Children

Caudwell Children funds equipment for disabled children and young people under the age of 19.

Independence at Home

Independence at Home provides small grants to people with long-term illnesses or disabilities, and who are in financial need, for equipment or building work.

Mobility Trust

Mobility Trust provides powered wheelchairs and scooters for people of any age in the UK who can’t get this equipment through statutory services.


Newlife supports families of children under 18 who are seriously ill or disabled. The charity will consider applications for equipment grants, and also has a provision for loans of emergency equipment, including hoists, wheelchairs and specialist beds. They also provide loans, free of charge, of specialist toys.


React helps families of children living with life-limiting conditions with the cost of specialist mobility equipment, as well as travel expenses and respite breaks.

SMArt Moves

SMArt Moves provides grants for wheelchairs and mobility equipment for people living with SMA.

The Hospital Saturday Fund

The Hospital Saturday Fund provides partial and full grants to people for specialised mobility equipment.

The Ogilvie Charities

The Ogilvie Charities provides grants towards power wheelchairs and household items.


Whizz-Kidz helps fund mobility aids, including wheelchairs, for children under 18.

Free equipment support


Demand provide free specialist equipment designed from scratch or modify and enhance existing equipment for people of any age, living with a disability.


Designability offers free loans of a WizzyBug wheelchair to children from the age of 14 months up to five years old (or a maximum weight of up to 20kg).


Remap provide custom-made equipment, free of charge for people of any age, living with a disability.

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We’re committed to providing accurate information for everyone affected by muscle wasting and weakening conditions. We’re a member of the Patient Information Forum (PIF) and proud to have been awarded the PIF TICK in 2024.