Our Family, We are the The Stones from Buckinghamshire. I’m Mum- Rachel, Dad- Rob, our eldest son Harrison(13) and why you’re here reading this Corben who turns 10 this year. Corben was like any other child, hit all his milestone at a young age and we never saw anything that concerned us. He did tiptoe walk but then his older brother did for a while. He wasn’t a fast runner or good jumper, again his older brother wasn’t either. Siblings tend to follow suit…right! We didn’t see any of these things as warning signs.
Corben's Courage

It wasn’t until Corben legs and arms started cramping at around age of 7 that I pushed the doctor to send him for a full blood work up thinking he was deficient in something to cause this cramps. The first time MD got mentioned was the October of 2021. Full diagnosis of Beckers Muscular Dystrophy came December 21.
Your support really means the world to us and it takes us a step closer to helping and supporting Corben and other children and adults with this cruel disease.
From the bottoms of our hearts… THANK YOU!
Rachel, Rob, Harrison and Corben xx
Net proceeds from fundraising will be split 80/20% between MDUK’s research into Becker muscular dystrophy and help support Corben with future welfare needs