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Top tips for writing a plain English application

What is the plain English application and why is it important? 

The plain English application is a fundamental part of our application process. It helps to communicate research to a non-specialist audience and should describe the research in accessible language for people who are not researchers. 

A plain English application is required as part of the funding application process and will be reviewed by our Lay Research Panel. A well written plain English application allows our Lay Research Panel to participate fully in the decision making and is an important part of the assessment process. 

Plain English applications are important for disseminating research findings to the public and can also help to make your research accessible to professional audiences outside of your immediate field of research. 

Hear more about the importance of the plain English application from members of our Lay Research Panel below.


Top tips for writing a plain English application 

We worked with our Lay Research Panel to share some ‘top tips’ to consider when writing a lay summary: 


  • Consider who you are writing for and why 
  • Put the research in context and explain which gap the research is filling- how does it fit into the bigger picture? Why is it needed? 
  • Keep it short and succinct; use short sentences (20 words or fewer) 
  • Provide definitions or a glossary for technical terms if you can’t avoid them 
  • Use good sentence structure and grammar 
  • Use bullet points to clearly introduce the key aims and objectives of the proposal 
  • Provide a clear justification of costs in applications 
  • Ask someone who does not have a scientific background to read the lay summary – do they understand it? 


  • ‘Waffle’ or be vague 
  • Use long, complex sentences 
  • Use acronyms, abbreviations or scientific jargon; if you have to use technical terms, provide a clear explanation 
  • Forget to explain why this research is important – ‘so what?!’ 

More useful resources and guidance to help you write your plain English application can be found on the NIHR website.

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