Give by text message Donate

Making a donation via text message couldn’t be easier, and we will receive 100% of your donation.

Simply text MDUK YES to 70660 to give £5 (plus one message at your standard network rate)

Stay in control of your details:
By texting ‘MDUK YES’ to 70660, you are donating £5 and also opting in to SMS updates about this campaign and our charity.

To give £5 and opt out from SMS updates, text ‘MDUK NO’ to 70660.

Please note our SMS terms and conditions:

  • Texts cost £5 plus one message at your standard network rate
  • Muscular Dystrophy UK will receive 100% of your donation
  • Make sure you obtain the bill payer’s permission before sending a text message. If you are under 16 years old, you must have your parent or guardian’s permission to send a text donation to Muscular Dystrophy UK
  • You will not be charged for SMS messages you receive from Muscular Dystrophy UK
  • You can unsubscribe from SMS contact at any time by contacting the Supporter Services team and any SMS you receive from us will also give you the option to unsubscribe
  • In line with our privacy policy, we will not pass your mobile phone number onto any third parties.