Kerr lives in Falkirk with his mum and dad Alyson and Alistair and big brother Aaron. In 2015 Kerr was diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and his parents have set up Defeating Duchenne – Kerr’s Cause to raise money in Kerr’s name, with all donations going to the Duchenne Research Breakthrough Fund. Kerr is a confident and witty young man who takes everything in his stride and lives life to the full. When Kerr was 3, it became apparent to us that he wasn’t quite as able as other children his age to get up and down stairs, to stand up from sitting on the floor or to get around as quickly and easily.
Defeating Duchenne Kerr's Cause

We spoke to the health visitor who referred him for physio. He was then referred by the physio to a pediatrician who did some blood tests. The results of the blood tests showed muscle disease, most likely to be Duchenne muscular dystrophy and full genetics testing confirmed this.
Our life as we knew it changed completely, the realisation that the life we had always thought our son would have, would never happen for him and the enormity of what lay ahead was overwhelming. Kerr knows that he has Duchenne and has done from diagnosis.
As he was diagnosed so young, he has only ever really known life with the condition and just takes it in his stride. He is currently taking part in a clinical trial that involves weekly infusions and has involved some surgery, but he doesn’t mind as he knows there’s a chance it could help him and others. As a family we take a positive approach and try to focus only on the here and now, taking each day at a time. It works for us.
We fundraise as much as possible and are hopeful that by supporting research into the condition that an effective treatment and ultimately a cure can be found that will allow Kerr, and other boys in his position, to enjoy a better future.
The Family also have a facebook page so you can keep up to date on what they are doing.
Monies from Kerr’s Cause Family Fund will be restricted to fund research in Duchenne muscular dystrophy.