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Elliot lives in Kirkliston with his mum and dad, Shirley and Donald, and his older brother Rory. In March 2016 Elliot was diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and his parents have set up Elliot’s Fighting Fund to help raise awareness and funds in support of the Duchenne Research Breakthrough Fund.

Elliot is your typical boy who enjoys playing with his older brother, Rory, taking visits to the park, reading books and watching DVD’s.

Shirley said

It was noticed that Elliot was flat footed and we queried it with the health visitor who referred us to a Pediatric Consultant. He thought Elliot had delayed gross motor skills and referred us to a Physiotherapist. After seeing the Physio, we went back to see the consultant and we mentioned that Elliot waddled when he walked and his back looked a bit arched. The consultant arranged for blood tests to be taken as soon as possible (suspecting Duchenne). We thought that the blood tests were routine and had no idea what they would show. We were given the diagnosis over the telephone because the consultant knew we would worry if he asked us to come in and see him. I took the call and listened to what he had to say, I’d heard of Muscular Dystrophy but didn’t actually know what it was. I’d never heard of Duchenne. I couldn’t take it in to be honest and asked for him to speak to my husband and tell him what he’d told me. We were bathing the boys at the time of the phone call and I remember thinking that I couldn’t break down in front of the boys. The next hour, until we got them away to bed, I think, was the longest of our life!

As a family they are trying not to focus too much on the negatives of the diagnosis but to concentrate on the here and now. They are hopeful that by way of raising vital funds supporting the research into this condition that an effective treatment, and ultimately a cure, canbe found that will allow Elliot, and other children in his position, to enjoy a better future.

You can follow Elliot’s Fighting Fund on Facebook.

Net proceeds from the families fundraising will go towards research into Duchenne muscular dystrophy

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